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Media about Institute for Democracy and Private Enterprise

Year: 1999

  • Mieczysław Bąk: The business ethics is slowly, but permanently improving (Mieczysław Bąk: Etyka biznesu ulega stałej, choć powolnej poprawie), Puls Biznesu, 23.12.1999,
  • PCC Institute promotes the Business ethics (Instytut KIG promuje etykę w biznesie), Puls Biznesu, 01.12.1999,
  • Business gentlemen (Dżentelmeni biznesu), Gazeta Poznańska, 07.10.1999,
  • The competition -"Fair Play Company" (Konkurs-"Przedsiębiorstwo Fair Play), Dziennik Polski, 24.06.1999,
  • It is profitable (To się opłaca), Przegląd Techniczny, 23.05.1999,
  • Interventionism doesn`t help (Interwencjonizm nic nie daje), Rzeczpospolita, 22.04.1999,
  • PCC: The trade deficit is inevitable (KIG: Deficyt handlowy jest nieuchronny), Prawo i Gospodarka, 22.04.1999,
  • The companies` profits are falling down (Spadają zyski firm), Trybuna, 22.04.1999,
  • They want, although they afraid (Chcą, choć się boją), Trybuna, 25.03.1999,
  • Profitable integration (Korzystna integracja), Prawo i Gospodarka, 25.03.1999,
  • The Power into Hands of Owner (Cała władza w ręce właściciela), Rzeczpospolita, 26.02.1999,


10 June 2014

Rapport project consortium has just released an online brochure, summarising the most relevant information about the project, its objectives, partnerships, results, resources.... Browse it!

8 January 2014

On 8 January 2014 the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development announced the second call for proposals in the framework of the project "Increasing regions' competitiveness through Corporate Social

16 December 2013

We are pleased to inform you that on 16 December 2014 during the session of the Regional Subject Network the final product of the innovative testing project "Employment

13 December 2013

We are pleased to inform you that on 13 December 2014 during the session of the Regional Subject Network the final product of the innovative testing project "ŁÓDZKIE

9 December 2013

The project rapport entitled "High Quality Job at Green Labour Market in mazowieckie voivodeship. Mechamisms, instruments and solutions for raising the number of well paid workplaces in mazowieckie

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