Media about Institute for Democracy and Private Enterprise
Year: 2005
- Communities promote themselves, Gazeta Wyborcza (Kielce), 30.12.2005
- Pujan plays fair, Dziennik Elbląski, 29.12.2005
- Community Fair Play, Wspólnota, 24.12.2005
- Business with rules, Głos Pomorza, 22.12.2005
- Community Fair Play - Balanced development (Dąbrowa Górnicza), Gazeta Wyborcza (Katowice), 22.12.2005
- They play fair (Wodociągi Słupsk), Dziennik Bałtycki, 22.12.2005
- "Businesses Fair Play", Motogazeta -, 21.12.2005
- Gala of VIIIth edition "Business Fair Play", Good sign for polish business future, Gazeta Prawna, 20.12.2005
- Fargotex Fair Play, - Portal Regionalny, 20.12.2005
- They play fair (Spółdzielnia Pracy Muszynianka, Suret), Gazeta Krakowska, 19.12.2005
- Firm with principles, Gazeta Lubuska, 19.12.2005
- Business Fair Play, Dziennik Bałtycki, 19.12.2005
- Who play so clear? Orchestra Fair Play, Puls Biznesu, 19.12.2005
- "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program 2005, Gazeta Wyborcza - promotional addition, 17.12.2005
- Enterprises with principles,, 16.12.2005
- Warm Fair Play, Gazeta Wyborcza (Zielona Góra), 15.12.2005
- Enterprises with principles, Dziennik Polski, 15.12.2005
- Military Agency awarded again, Kurier Szczeciński, 13.12.2005
- Honestly, reliability, credibility, Puls Biznesu, 12.12.2005
- Community Fair Play,, 6.12.2005
- Investor-friendly Communes, The Warsaw Voice, 4.12.2005
- The best for investment, Przegląd Techniczny, 4.12.2005
- Święta Katarzyna Commune, The Warsaw Voice, 27.11.2005
- Community good for investor,, 25.11.2005
- Community good for investor,, 25.11.2005
- Certificate Commune Fair Play,, 23.11.2005
- Certificate Commune Fair Play,, 23.11.2005
- Prospect of tempting increment, Gazeta Samorządu i Administracji, 21.11.2005
- How communities tempt investors, Gazeta Samorządu i Administracji, 21.11.2005
- Reliability and honestly In business! VIIIth edition of "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program, Rzeczpospolita, 9.11.2005
- Communities promote themselves, Gazeta Wyborcza (Opole), 8.11.2005
- Communities promote themselves, Gazeta Wyborcza (Łódź), 8.11.2005
- Communities promote themselves, Gazeta Wyborcza (Kraków), 8.11.2005
- Communities promote themselves, Gazeta Wyborcza (Kielce), 8.11.2005
- Competition "Łódź of success", Gazeta Wyborcza (Łódź), 7.11.2005
- Fair Play for Jordanów, Gazeta Krakowska, 5.11.2005
- Unsettled lot of changes, Gazeta Prawna, 03.11.2005
- PiS will hale to buy support, Gazeta Prawna, 03.11.2005
- "Business Fair Play" We'll know laureates for a month, Echo Dnia Kieleckie, 2.11.2005
- Community with the principles (Hanna), Super Tydzień Chełmski, 31.10.2005
- Fair Play Community, Modna Gospodyni, 27.10.2005
- Pattern community (Zwierzyniec, Krasnobród), Tygodnik Zamojski, 26.10.2005
- Certificate defended (Miasto Krosno), Nowe Podkarpacie, 26.10.2005
- We entice as magnesium - Spółdzielnia Pracy MUSZYNIANKA, Gazeta Prawna, 24.10.2005
- Good community (Łódź), Gazeta Wyborcza (Łódź), 22.10.2005
- They operate fair play (Trzebinia), Gazeta Krakowska, 21.10.2005
- Communities play fair, Kurier Lubelski, 21.10.2005
- Fair Play Certificate (Rybnik), Trybuna Śląska, 20.10.2005
- Communities Fair Play can bank on investors, Rynki Zagraniczne, 20.10.2005
- Next Community Fair Play (Trzebinia), Dziennik Zachodni, 19.10.2005
- Rzeszów Fair Play again, Super Nowości, 19.10.2005
- Next Community Fair Play (Trzebinia), Dziennik Zachodni, 19.10.2005
- Nieporęt: In seven,, 19.10.2005
- Wielkopolska plays fair,, 18.10.2005
- That's a Community (Wejherowo), Dziennik Bałtycki, 18.10.2005
- Mazovian Tigers "Community Fair Play" 2005, Tygodnik Ciechanowski, 18.10.2005
- Distinction for communities (Dąbrowa Górnicza, Jaworzno), Dziennik Zachodni, 18.10.2005
- Kolbuszowa is Fair Play, Super Nowości, 18.10.2005
- Friendly for investors (Krynki, Narewka, Nowinka), Kurier Poranny, 18.10.2005
- Skarżysko "Fair Play", Echo Dnia Świętokrzyskie, 18.10.2005
- Kutno is Community Fair Play, Tygodnik Płocki, 18.10.2005
- Koszalin Fair Play, Portal Koszalińskich Internautów, 17.10.2005
- Community friendly for business awarded, Biznes Warszawski, 17.10.2005
- Gminas play fair for investors, The Warsaw Business Journal, 17.10.2005
- Fair Play for a first time (Gmina Dębica), Przegląd Debicki, 17.10.2005
- City friendly for investors (Wejherowo), Dziennik Bałtycki, 17.10.2005
- Laureates of "Community Fair Play" 2005 Competition from Podlasie, Wrota Podlasia, 16.10.2005
- Communities Fair Play from Wielkopolska, Gazeta Wyborcza (Poznań), 15-16.10.2005
- Community Fair Play (Dąbrowa Tarnowska), Gazeta Krakowska, 15.10.2005
- Radom: gold for business, Metro, 14-16.10.2005
- Community Fair Play (Radom), Słowo Ludu, 14.10.2005
- Radom: gold for business, Gazeta Wyborcza (Radom), 14.10.2005
- Jarocin with certificate, Głos Wielkopolski, 14.10.2005
- Międzyzdroje "Community Fair Play", Kurier Szczeciński, 14.10.2005
- Jordanów - Community Fair Play, Kronika Beskidzka, 13.10.2005
- Kleszczów Fair Play, Dziennik Łódzki, 13.10.2005
- Częstochowa "Community Fair Play", Gazeta Częstochowska, 13.10.2005
- Continous perfecting (Radom), Gazeta Wyborcza (Radom), 13.10.2005
- Communities with certificate, Kurier Szczeciński, 13.10.2005
- Communities for B+, Gazeta Wyborcza, 13.10.2005
- Communities friendly for investors, Rynki Zagraniczne, 13.10.2005
- They play fair with investors, Słowo Ludu Kielce, 13.10.2005
- Fair Play with investors, Słowo Ludu Kielce, 13.10.2005
- 123 Certificates Fair Play,, 12.10.2005
- Częstochowa fair, Życie Częstochowskie, 12.10.2005
- "Community Fair Play" Competition, Gazeta Wyborcza - dodatek specjalny, 12.10.2005
- They go for honourable mention (Ręczno), Dziennik Łódzki, 11.10.2005
- Community with certificate(Człuchów), Głos Słupski, 11.10.2005
- Communities Fair Play 2005,, 11.10.2005
- Invest in communities friendly for entrepreneurs, The Warsaw Voice, 9.10.2005
- Częstochowa "Community Fair Play", Gazeta Częstochowska, 6.10.2005
- Jarocin: Encouragement to investments,, 6.10.2005
- Business Fair Play - We hale a chance, Kurier Szczeciński, 6.10.2005
- Karlino Community Fair Play, Głos Pomorza, 5.10.2005
- Lwówek Śląski "Community Fair Play", Nowiny jeleniogórskie, 4.10.2005
- Płock friendly for investors, Tygodnik Płocki, 4.10.2005
- Business with mission - Publishing House Rebis, Puls Biznesu, 4.10.2005
- Kutno awarded In "Community Fair Play",, 3.10.2005
- City Fair Play (Jordanów), Gazeta Krakowska, 1.10.2005
- Communities Fair Play, Wspólnota, 1.10.2005
- Starachowice Community Fair Play, Gazeta Starachowicka, październik 2005
- Community Fair Play 2005, Murator Plus, październik 2005
- Duszniki Zdrój - Community Fair Play, Echo Dusznik, wrzesień/październik 2005
- Bydgoszcz plays fair, Express Bydgoski, 28.09.2005
- Three strong communities (Narewka, Krynki, Nowinka), Gazeta Współczesna, 28.09.2005
- They play fair, Gazeta Poznańska, 27.09.2005
- Skarżysko is fair play, Echo Dnia Świętokrzyskie, 27.09.2005
- Invest in communities friendly for entrepreneurs!, Gazeta Samorządu i Administracji, 26.09-9.10.2005
- Communities fair play, Gazeta Pomorska, 26.09.2005
- Economic platform, Wprost, 25.09.2005
- Communities Fair Play, Gazeta Żarów, 23.09.2005
- Fair Play for the second time (Miasto Dębica), Obserwator, 22.09.2005
- Land Fair Play (Dębica), Gazeta Krakowska, 21.09.2005
- Strawczyn with Certificate, Echo Dnia Kieleckie, 21.09.2005
- Prestige, promotion and information (Dębica), Gazeta Krakowska, 20.09.2005
- VIIIth edition of "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program, Puls Biznesu, 19.09.2005
- Honestly ventures, Gazeta Pomorska, 19.09.2005
- Voting - material evidence, dowód rzeczowy, Kurier Poranny, 19.09.2005
- Who don't want youngsters, Gazeta Wyborcza, 19.09.2005
- Community with honourable mention, (Częstochowa), Dziennik Zachodni, 17.09.2005
- Community plays fair (Częstochowa), Gazeta Wyborcza (Częstochowa), 17-18.09.2005
- Reliability will be appreciated, Gazeta Współczesna, 15.09.2005
- Invest in communities friendly for entrepreneurs, Profile, 15.09-2.10.2005
- Gala of "Community Fair Play" Competition is coming, Profile, 15.09-2.10.2005
- Community Fair Play! (Jaworzno), Dziennik Zachodni, 15.09.2005
- Let's think about the future, Rynki Zagraniczne, 15.09.2005
- Jaworzno: We play fair,, 14.09.2005
- Business Fair Play, Kurier Lubelski, 14.09.2005
- Clouded efectivity in Sejm, Parkiet, 14.09.2005
- PiS like Samoobrona, Platforma like SLD, Gazeta Wyborcza, 14.09.2005
- Economy for first, Kurier Poranny, 14.09.2005
- Politics aren't telling us everything, Życie Warszawy, 14.09.2005
- Three Communities Fair Play (Krynki, Nowinka, Narewka),, 6.09.2005
- "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program, Port Gdański, wrzesień 2005
- "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program, Nieruchomości Plus, wrzesień 2005
- Reliability and honesty in business, Gazeta Prawna, 26-28.08.2005
- The Fourth Edition of the Fair Play Community Competition is underway, Gazeta Samorządu i Administracji, 15-28.08.2005
- Rzeszów in IInd stage of "Community Fair Play" Competition, Echo Rzeszowa, sierpień 2005
- Communities wants to play Fair too, Słowo Polskie - Gazeta Wrocławska, 28.07.2005
- We have our principles (Zakład Mięsny NIEBIESZCZAŃSCY), Słowo Polskie - Gazeta Wrocławska, 28.07.2005
- Good reputation is a key to success, Słowo Polskie - Gazeta Wrocławska, 28.07.2005
- "Businesses Fair Play" from dolnośląskie, Słowo Polskie - Gazeta Wrocławska, 28.07.2005
- They Play Fair? It will turn out, (Dąbrowa Tarnowska), Gazeta Krakowska, 27.07.2005
- Everything for businessmen, (Skarżysko) Echo Dnia Świętokrzyskie, 27.07.2005
- Are they "Fair Play"? (Starachowice), Echo Dnia Świętokrzyskie, 27.07.2005
- Jordanów wants to be "Fair Play", Gazeta Krakowska, 22.07.2005
- Community Fair Play, Gazeta Wyborcza (Kielce), 21.07.2005
- Mobile community (Nowinka), Przegląd Powiatowy, 14.07.2005
- "Community Fair Play" Competiton, Gazeta Wyborcza (Płock), 7.07.2005
- Communities Fair Play, Kurier Szczeciński, 6.07.2005
- City in compliments, Express Bydgoski, 5.07.2005
- IInd stage of "Community Fair Play" Competition, Polska, lipiec 2005
- Three good players, Gazeta Współczesna (Białystok), 29.06.2005
- They Play (for) Fair Play (Jarocin), Gazeta Poznańska, 29.06.2005
- Community Fair Play,, 29.06.2005
- They want to be Fair Play, Nowa Trybuna Opolska, 27.06.2005
- They want to be fair, Dziennik Łódzki, 24.06.2005
- Community Fair Play, Dziennik Batycki, 24.06.2005
- Communities Fair Play, Dziennik Polski, 24.06.2005
- Is Kutno a community fair play?, Dziennik Łódzki, 23.06.2005
- PKP Cargo wants to be "Business Fair Play", Rynek Kolejowy, 17.06.2005
- City-hall under magnifying glass, Gazeta Kujawska, 15.06.2005
- Discriminated youngsters. Why firms don't want to hire young people, Gazeta Wyborcza, 13.06.2005
- Participation for third time - Krapkowice, Nowa Trybuna Opolska, 6.06.2005
- Accounts will rise (podwyżka akcyzy na olej opałowy lekki), Gazeta Prawna, 2.06.2005
- Lady from the commercial, (MPM Jasło), Poradnik Handlowca, 1.06.2005
- Thorny track to business, Gazeta Prawna, 31.05.2005
- "Employment Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program, Gazeta Wyborcza, 31.05.2005
- Discrimination on labor market,, 31.05.2005
- Programm of reforming labour relations "Employment Fair Play", Rynki Zagraniczne, 31.05.2005
- "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program, Gazeta Prawna, 31.05.2005
- Responsible business, Parkiet, 30.05.2005
- "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program, Przegląd, 29.05.2005
- Discrimination on labour market- dyskusja,, 26.05.2005
- Discrimination on labour market, e-Gospodarka, 25.05.2005
- Discrimination on labour market - discussion,, 25.05.2005
- Discrimination on labour market, Forum Prawne, 25.05.2005
- Discrimination on labour market, Day News Polska, 25.05.2005
- "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Programme, Puls Biznesu, 24.05.2005
- Investors favorable, tourists friendly (Wydminy), Gazeta Współczesna, 24.05.2005
- "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program, Gazeta Prawna, 24.05.2005
- Announcement: Press conference "Social business responsibility on labour market", Rzeczpospolita, 23.05.2005
- The best from the best, Kurier Poranny (Białystok), 21.05.2005
- Appreciated quality (Miejskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Sp. z o.o. w Koszalinie), Głos Pomorza, 21.05.2005
- "Business Fair Play" Business Culture Promotion Program, Gazeta Prawna, 16.05.2005
- Fair Play. Award for Lis (Przetwórstwo Mięsne LIS), Dziennik Bałtycki, 13.05.2005
- Three cities from region "Community Fair Play", Kurier Szczeciński, 11.05.2005
- How to pull off investors to Szczecin?, Głos Szczeciński, 9.05.2005
- "Employment Fair Play". Business Culture Promotion Program, Gazeta Prawna, 9.05.2005
- Laurels for Pomeranian, "Business Fair Play" Program, Dziennik Bałtycki, 4.05.2005
- Return of VAT for bad debts. Not everyone will use tax relief, Gazeta Prawna, 4.05.2005
- Guarantee of professional investment service, "Community Fair Play" - Leaders of Autonomous, Nieruchomości Plus, maj 2005
- Investments without miracles, Gazeta Finansowa, 28.04.2005
- Community Fair Play, Dziennik Łódzki, 28.04.2005
- Communities plays fair, Gazeta Pomorska, 27.04.2005
- "Business Fair Play", Information about the program, Radio FAMA (Kielce), serwis informacyjny, 19.04.2005
- Business Fair Play, Portal Jurajski, 19.04.2005
- "Employment Fair Play". Business Culture Promotion Program, Gazeta Wyborcza, 13.04.2005
- In Poland business is profitable, Głos Pomorza, 12.04.2005
- EU teach social responsibility, Gazeta Prawna, 1.04.2005
- Do compensate gas rises?, Gazeta Prawna, 1.04.2005
- Firms play fair, VIP, 1.04.2005
- Studies for nothing - interview with Dr. M. Bąk, Kawa czy Herbata, 29.03.2005
- Cheaper than anywhere else, Giełda Samochodowa Motorynek, 25.03.2005
- They play fair (Jaworzno), Dziennik Zachodni, 22.03.2005
- Jarocin, High Competitive Rating, Głos Wielkopolski, 22.03.2005
- They Play Fair, Community wants to draw new investors (Jaworzno), Dziennik Zachodni Zagłębie, 22.03.2005
- Permanent efforts for better competitivness, Rynki Zagraniczne, 22.03.2005
- Foreigners on polish labour market, interview with dr. Mieczysław Bąk, Radio Polonia, 22.03.2005
- Fair play in business, Dziennik Polski, 21.03.2005
- It's profitable to move to Poland,, 21.03.2005
- UE without secrets (research results of IPED), Puls Biznesu, 21.03.2005
- To open labour market or not?, Rynki Zagraniczne, 19.03.2005
- From old to new countries. Moving production in EU, Gazeta Prawna, 17.03.2005
- Who don't like central Europe?, Nasz Dziennik, 17.03.2005
- Work in Poland? No, Thank You, Gazeta Finansowa, 17.03.2005
- In Poland much cheaper, Automotive Market Analysis, 17.03.2005
- In Poland much cheaper,, 17.03.2005
- Poland more and more competitive, Rzeczpospolita, 17.03.2005
- Moving out to east is profitable, Życie Warszawy, 17.03.2005
- Experts: firms from "old" EU can make 30-40 % savings if they move their production to Poland,, 16.03.2005
- Firms from "old" EU can make 30-40 % savings if they move their production to Poland, Puls Biznesu, 16.03.2005
- Conference: "Foreign investments and tax and social competitivness of Central Europe", Rzeczpospolita, 14.03.2005
- Conference "Tax and social competitivnes of Central Europe in meaning of attraction to direct foreign investments", Krajowa Izba Gospodarki Morskiej, 14.03.2005
- Responsible business comes from company strategy, Rynki Zagraniczne, 12.03.2005
- Morawica "Fair Play", Echo Dnia Kieleckie, 10.03.2005
- Our laureates, Panorama Leszczyńska, 10.03.2005
- It's worth to play fair, Słowo Polskie - Gazeta Wrocławska, 3.03.2005
- Will Sejm come in time with VAT?, Gazeta Prawna, 2.03.2005
- The Fourth Edition of the Fair Play Community Competition is underway, Gazeta Samorządu i Administracji, 28.02.2005-13.03.2005
- Fair Play Gala In Silesian Theater, Gazeta Prawna, 28.02.2005
- The Fourth Edition of the Fair Play Community Competition is underway, The Warsaw Voice, 27.02.2005
- Municipal standard, suburban calm (Stare Babice), Życie Warszawy, 24.02.2005
- Golden twelve, "Business Fair Play", Echo Dnia Kieleckie, 22.02.2005
- Golden twelve, "Business Fair Play", Okrąglak, 22.02.2005
- Fifteen years of Polish Chamber of Commerce, Rynki Zagraniczne, 15.02.2005
- Industrially-commertial Chambers in Europe as a piece of public order, Rynki Zagraniczne, 15.02.2005
- They Play Fair, Gazeta Pomorska, 9.02.2005
- Golden certificates, VIIth edition of "Business Fair Play", Echo Dnia Kieleckie, 8.02.2005
- MPM network from Jasło play Fair, Wiadomości Handlowe, 1.02.2005
- The IVth edition of "Community Fair Play" Competition is underway, Gazeta Prawna, 31.01.2005
- Better investment climate, Przegląd Techniczny, 23.01.2005
- Promexim Fair Play, Logistyka a Jakość, 20.01.2005
- Starachowice Fair Play, Echo Dnia Kieleckie, 12.01.2005
- They play honestly, Giełda Samochodowa Autosalon, 11.01.2005
- Certificate of credibility, Głos Koszaliński, 7.01.2005
- Linear for the first time, Gazeta Prawna, 5.01.2005
- Fair Play Award, Trailer Magazine, 1.01.200
- "Business Fair Play" - Athenasoft, Kalejdoskop Budowlany, 1.01.2005
- Fair Play (Gold Drop), Gazeta BCC, 1.01.2005
- Fair Play in business, Łazienka, 1.01.2005
- Businesses Fair Play, Meble Plus Dodatek, 1.01.2005
- Promexim Fair Play, Eurologistics, 1.01.2005
- Awards for producers of construction materials, Forum Budowlane, 1.01.2005
- Selmar plays fair, Spedycja Transport Logistyka, 1.01.2005
- Management of project marketing researches, Marketing i Rynek, 1.01.2005
- The IVth edition of "Community Fair Play" Competition is underway, Informator Samorządów Dolnego Śląska 2005
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