Media about Institute for Democracy and Private Enterprise
Year: 2006
- Angel at work, Twój Styl, September 2006
- Taxes and economic growth, Przegląd Techniczny, 20.08.2006
- After audit (Opoczno), TOP - Tygodnik Opoczyński, 04.08.2006
- They are trying to reach certificate (Odolanów), Gazeta Poznańska, 02.08.2006
- Mayors Gallery (Komorniki), Gazeta Sołecka, 01.08.2006
- Mind weeds, Wprost, 23.07.2006
- The title makes development easier, Słowo Polskie GW Region, 20.07.2006
- Conference: Strategies of Tax Competition and Harmonization in Enlarged European Union, Przegląd Techniczny, 16.07.2006
- "Employment Fair Play" - healing polish labour market!, ABC PRACA, 12.07.2006
- High excise for fuel and energy makes economic growth slower, Puls Biznesu, 11.07.2006
- Good opinions about women, Dziennik Bałtycki, 10.07.2006
- Good opinions about women, Dziennik Łódzki Praca, 10.07.2006
- Good opinions about women, Gazeta Poznańska Dodatek II, 10.07.2006
- Good opinions about women, Dziennik Zachodni Praca w Poniedziałek, 10.07.2006
- Good opinions about women, Życie Warszawy Praca, 10.07.2006
- Good opinions about women, Gazeta Krakowska Praca, 10.07.2006
- 33, Kurier Poranny Magazyn, 07.07.2006
- Women rules!, Gazeta Olsztyńska, 06.07.2006
- "Dziennik" - women - workers, Informacyjna Agencja Radiowa,,, 05.07.2006
- Is woman discrimination not for real?, Dziennik Polska Europa Świat, 05.07.2006
- Employers are giving better marks for women, Dziennik Polska Europa Świat, 05.07.2006
- Women work better than men, Dziennik Polska Europa Świat, 05.07.2006
- Work not for everyone, Gazeta Prawna, 04.07.2006
- Poorly for seniors - for juniors too, Magazyn Obywatel, 03.07.2006
- Women content with their work, Nowa Trybuna Opolska Praca, 03.07.2006
- Age being a problem on labour market, Biznes, 01.07.2006
- Who is discriminated by employers?, WP Wiadomości, 01.07.2006
- Excise will reduce economic growth, Gazeta Prawna, 30.06.2006
- Do not make higher excise!,, 30.06.2006
- Fuels should be cheaper!, PAP, 30.06.2006
- Excise could be lower, Puls Biznesu, 30.06.2006
- Higher excise only for stimulants, Rzeczpospolita, 30.06.2006
- High excise for fuels and energy makes economic growth slower, Rzeczpospolita, 29.06.2006
- What excise has in common with Gross Domestic Product,, 29.06.2006
- Women are better workers, Gazeta Prawna, 29.06.2006
- We fight for certificate (Zawiercie), Gazeta Zawierciańska, 28.06.2006
- Community Fair Play, Dziennik Bałtycki Dodatek, 27.06.2006
- Wejherowo plays fair with investors, Dziennik Bałtycki Dodatek, 27.06.2006
- Self-government leaders - Communities Fair Play from Podlasie, TVP3 Białystok, 22.06.2006
- Bar will employ youngster, Gazeta Wyb Zielona Góra, 22.06.2006
- They are trying to reach certificate, Głos Rawy Mazowieckiej i Okolicy, 01.06.2006
- Business Fair Play, Przegląd Przemysłowy i Gospodarczy, May/June 2006
- Our voivodeship in comparison to the rest of the country, Dziennik Bałtycki, 31.05.2006
- Fair Play Statuettes are waiting for the best, Słowo Polskie GW Region, 25.05.2006
- Competition for reliable ones, Puls Biznesu, 23.05.2006
- Business Fair Play, Dziennik Polski, 18.05.2006
- They play fair, Tygodnik Zamojski, 17.05.2006
- The IXth edition of "Business Fair Play" Program is underway,, 17.05.2006
- Ethic in company, precious like income, Kurier Poranny, 16.05.2006
- Bank for entrepreneurs, Gazeta Bankowa, 15.05.2006
- Thanks to the Seym the software producers will earn more, Parkiet, 13.05.2006
- Ax are necessary, Gazeta Prawna, 05.05.2006
- Reliability laurels, Rynki Zagraniczne, 04.05.2006
- The investors will mark (Człuchów), Dziennik Bałtycki, 04.05.2006
- In Tarnogród self-government plays fair, Kronika Tygodnia, 02.05.2006
- Fair Play Communities, Dziennik Polski, 27.04.2006
- Parties doesn′t suport initiative, Puls Biznesu, 20.04.2006
- Seym builds economic barriers, Gazeta Wyborcza, 20.04.2006
- Not enough acts for economy, Rzeczpospolita C, 20.04.2006
- Black clouds, Życie Warszawy Poradnik, 20.04.2006
- Major in Chapter (Garwolin), Tygodnik Siedlecki w Powiatach, 16.04.2006
- Community Fair Play, Wiadomości, TVP3 Bydgoszcz, 07.04.2006
- The numer of CIT-payers is growing up, Gazeta Prawna, 05.04.2006
- Bank BPH friendly for entrepreneurs, Nowości dodatek, 03.04.2006
- To convince investors, Samorząd Miejski, 01.04.2006
- PiS wont make PIT rate lower, Życie Warszawy, 31.03.2006
- IXth edition of "Business Fair Play" Program, Patronaty, TVP3 Kielce, 30.03.2006
- Fair Play Enterprises, Dziennik Polski, 30.03.2006
- "Community Fair Play 2006" (Szczecin), Kurier Szczeciński, 30.03.2006
- They play fair, Słowo Kieleckie, 29.03.2006
- Lineal tax, Rzeczpospolita, 29.03.2006
- KIG claims, that lower PIT rate wont hurt the Fiscal Department, Puls Biznesu, 29.03.2006
- Entrepreneurs want changes, Parkiet, 29.03.2006
- For ethic in business promotion, Echo Dnia Kieleckie, 28.03.2006
- Our companies offensive, Super Nowości, 28.03.2006
- XIth International Fair "Meeting Premiera 2006", Rzeczpospolita, 27.03.2006
- Polish raises german market, Życie Warszawy, 25.03.2005
- They play fair, Dziennik Elbląski, 23.03.2006
- They showed the bests, Tygodnik Wałbrzyski, 20.03.2006
- Siedlce fair play, Tygodnik Siedlecki w Powiatach, 19.03.2006
- Business in theatre, Słowo Polskie Gazeta Wrocławska, 18.03.2006
- Awards for reliability in business, Gazeta Wyborcza Wrocław, 18.03.2006
- Play fair play, Gazeta Olsztyńska, 17.03.2006
- Regional Gala of "Business Fair Play" Program, Gazeta Wyborcza Wrocław, 17.03.2006
- Fair Play Enterprises, TVP3 Opole, 16.03.2006
- Fair Play Enterprises, Wiadomości, TVP3 Olsztyn, 16.03.2006
- Ethical in business will collect their dyploma, Słowo Polskie Gazeta Wyborcza Region, 16.03.2006
- City with extra fast Internet connection, Gazeta Prawna Dodatek, 15.03.2006
- Rokietica - Cummunity Fair Play, Gazeta Poznańska Wiadomości Gospodarcze, 14.03.2006
- Fair Play, Tygodnik Siedlecki Magazyn, 12.03.2006
- Boards not democratic, but federal, Gazeta Prawna, 10.03.2006
- Fair Play for Bydgoszcz, Gazeta Wyborcza Bydgoszcz, 10.03.2006
- Reliable company, Gazeta Współczesna, 08.03.2006
- Reliable companies from Podlasie, Gazeta Wyborcza Białystok, 08.03.2006
- Business Fair Play, Wrota Podlasia, 07.03.2006
- Reliable companies and communities, Echo Dnia Radomskie, 06.03.2006
- Bra to the control, Gazeta Wyborcza (Łódź), 03.03.2006
- Problematic services from tax heaven, Gazeta Prawna, 01.03.2006
- Reliability pays, VIP, march 2006
- Poland fair play, VIP, march 2006
- Warm and safe, Gazeta Prawna Gazeta Gospodarcza, 28.02.2006
- Acquiring money is not enough, Rzeczpospolita, 27.02.2006
- Tax reductions - it is not enough, Gazeta Prawna, 20.02.2006
- To the title promotion gratis (INKOM), Dziennik Łódzki, 17.02.2006
- AMICA being a Business Fair Play, AGD-RTV Infoserwis, 15.02.2006
- Business Fair Play, Gazeta Wyborcza Łódź, 14.02.2006
- Community Fair Play (Wschowa), Panorama Leszczyńska, 09.02.2006
- Communities have time, Słowo Polskie Gazeta Wyborcza Region, 09.02.2006
- Awarded for being normal, Tygodnik Rolniczy Modna Gospodyni, 09.02.2006
- Community Fair Play (Wschowa), Panorama Leszczyńka, 09.02.2006
- Polish law must be adapted to EU one, Gazeta Prawna, 06.02.2006
- Punishment instead of award, Gazeta Prawna, 06.02.2006
- Trade Fair Play, Meble Plus, 01.02.2006
- "Business Fair Play", MSI, 01.02.2006
- Entrepreneurs from Jasielsk awarded, Nome Podkarpacie, 01.02.2006
- Fair Play for the bests, Nowe Podkarpacie, 18.01.2006
- Gold ZETO, Biznes Poznański, 16.01.2006
- Enter project by internet, Gazeta Prawna, 13.01.2006
- We will have to wait for the effects of law normalization, Gazeta Prawna Dodatek, 12.01.2006
- Business Fair Play, Przegląd Techniczny, 08.01.2006
- It′s worth to be fair, Rynki Zagraniczne, 05.01.2006
- Fair Play for the 5th time, Gazeta Wyborcza Kielce, 05.01.2006
- Which defects should be eliminated from the act, Gazeta Prawna, 04.01.2006
- Fair Play in numbers, Dziennik Bałtycki, 02.01.2006
- Companies worth of trust, Podłogi i Ściany, 01.01.2006
- Development paths (Siemień), VIP, 01.01.2006
- Companies play fair, Fakty, 01.01.2006
- Fair Play for TRANS-SERVICE, Rynek Podróży, 01.01.2006
- Fair Play for BIURO-PLUS, Papierniczy Świat, 01.01.2006
- Enterprises play fair, VIP, 01.01.2006
- Inwestors friendly communities, VIP, 01.01.2006
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